Stories to Inspire

ZOX sent this email to their subscribers on February 18, 2024.

Hey -,

We've had such an outpouring of stories over the past week and so many kind emails thanking us for sharing these with the community.\xa0
One of the biggest questions we got was: why are we sharing these?\xa0
I think the best answer to that is because it's something that someone may need to hear to know that they're not alone.\xa0
To me, these stories show that even when it seems that all hope is lost,just a small reminder can make more difference than most of us could imagine.\xa0
We want to celebrate the strength and resilience inside the ZOX Community, and sharing these stories is one of the best ways of doing that.\xa0
These can be difficult to read, but I think they're worth it. If you'd like to check out our latest stories,you can click here.
Best wishes,
P.S. We're so happy so many of you are loving the stories! If you have a story you'd like to share with the ZOX Community,please submit it here.




7701 N FM 620, Austin, TX 78726

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