We’re restocking ASAP

ZOX sent this email to their subscribers on January 28, 2024.

Hey -,

So many stories were shared with us yesterday and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by them. I said I was going to start publishing these stories later this week. However, with how many we received and how many have touched my heart already, I wanted to share a few of them here with you today:
Noelle M. shared her story about losing her firefighter fiance 6 weeks before their wedding.\xa0
I met the man who was to become my fiance during the 9/11 tragedy. He was a fireman in NY, and I was the niece of a fireman who ended up at Ground Zero cooking for all the rescue workers. One thing led to another and soon we got engaged. Then, tragically, six weeks before our wedding day, he was killed on the job. I happened to be in Florida at the time and was trapped by Hurricane Ivan, and so it was that I was unable to attend his funeral, or even see his grave for more than a year. A couple years ago a friend got me one of your bracelets as a gift, and I came to the site to check them out. I immediately knew I needed the Gone but never forgotten. I wear it almost every day, and sometimes, If I am really missing him, I wear it to sleep. As soon as I saw the In Loving Memory bracelet - I knew I had to have it. These little reminders that he is still with me in my heart, have helped me through some really hard moments. Even if I just put them in my pocket, it helps me to feel better. Grief is such a hard lonely process, and these little bracelets have made it just a bit easier for me.
Pat M. shared her story of losing her son to a drunk driver in 2011.\xa0
My son was tragically killed by a drunk driver at the age of 16. On 7/8/2011. It STILL so very painful, I don’t wish this on my worst enemy. I forgave the man that did this even if he never apologized. He got 40yrs. In jail and I got a life sentence. GOD HELPS ME EVERY DAY to get through life. PLEASE DONT DRINK and DRIVE ♥️
Laura P. shared her story of losing her long-time boyfriend - So I created an order to gift her two ZOX ♥️
My boyfriend of 23 years recently passed away. I can not tell you how much it would mean to me to have some one gift me one of these bracelets. It would show me both the love they have for me and the love they had for him.
While creating an order to gift Laura, I saw how many of the designs and sizes were sold out already. Unfortunately, we underestimated how many of you would connect with\xa0this release. Sizes are running low or are sold out, but we'll be restocking these as soon as possible for you. If the sizes you need are gone, just know we'll be restocking as soon as we possibly can, but it will likely take us around 8 weeks. As soon as we're able to restock them, we'll be sending out an email again to let everyone know they're back.\xa0
In the meantime, if you're struggling with loss and want to find a community that's full of love and compassion, I want to invite you to join our ZOX Communities throughZOX VIP on FacebookorZOX FAM on Discord.\xa0
Best wishes,
P.S. If you have a story you'd like to share with the ZOX Community,\xa0please submit it here.




7701 N FM 620, Austin, TX 78726

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