What does resilience mean to you?

ZOX sent this email to their subscribers on January 6, 2024.

Hey -,

When the ZOX Community told us the most impactful reminder we could make for them was based on resilience, we listened.\xa0\xa0

With over 500 responses, seeing how important this message was to so many people, and taking some time to reflect on what resilience means to us, we wanted to create something amazing.\xa0

The end result is absolutely stunning. A beautiful design and a powerful message to remind yourself to stay resilient no matter what obstacles you face.\xa0

If this is a message that resonates with you, click this link to shop:You Are Resilient.\xa0
P.S. With how important community is for ZOX, I wanted to let you know we've reopened our community story submissions and will start publishing stories from within the ZOX Community in just a few weeks. If you have a story to share about how ZOX and the positive reminders have made an impact in your life or the lives of those around you, I want to encourage you now totake a few minutes to share it. Your story may be exactly what keeps someone going for another day, week, or year.\xa0





7701 N FM 620, Austin, TX 78726

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