You Are Resilient

ZOX sent this email to their subscribers on January 5, 2024.

Hey -,

When we asked the ZOX Community what the most impactful ZOX they could be given by a future version of themselves would be, one theme stood out more than any other:


With over 500 responses, it was clear how important this theme is to the ZOX Community. And that, my friend, is why we chose to start the year off with such a powerful reminder: We no longer need to forget how resilient we really are. This reminder is a mantra for your future that reflects on your past by revealing a strength you rarely give yourself enough credit for:You are resilient.\xa0\xa0
If you want to shop the newest reminders,this week's releaseis now up for grabs - we hope you wear it with pride as you remember how strong you really are.\xa0





7701 N FM 620, Austin, TX 78726

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