Stuck in a sexual rut? This might help

Great sex takes three things: pleasure, confidence, and knowledge.

Beducated sent this email to their subscribers on January 26, 2024.
\t\t\tGreat sex takes three things: pleasure, confidence, and knowledge. \t\t\t
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Hey ,

Great sex takes three things: pleasure, confidence, and knowledge. You can achieve all those things pretty easily; all it takes is continuous learning.

With as little asfive minutes a day, you can learn how to enjoy sex more, build confidence in the bedroom, and master new intimacy skills with expert guidance.

Unsure where to start? Here are some stories from Beducated students:

"My wife and I were stuck in a rut in the bedroom. Beducated helped us express and explore our desires andfantasiesis an open and honest way. We've since found a new spark that has left us both more excited and satisfied than ever."

– Kurt, 35

"My first course wasFemale Orgasm, and it's just an eye-opener. I found out how my own body works, what I like and what I don't like. [...] I am now sexually confident, I now have intimacy with my partner in and outside the bedroom and it's all thanks to Beducated."

– Phumi, 36

"Beducated has helped with my relationship to sex! I've felt very disconnected from my body during sexual encounters in the past. Granting myself permission to learn more about ways I canstay grounded in my body during sexhas really helped to establish new associations with sex and my body!"

– Safi A, 30
Master New Techniques
Develop skills to become a better giver and an active receiver.
Reignite the Spark
Explore new ways to spice things up— with or without a partner.
Enjoy Sex More
Build confidence and give in to new depths of pleasure.
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Much love,
Your Beducated Team


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