Fav Photos Found in 2022 ✨

75 Photos by 75 Photographers

Booooooom sent this email to their subscribers on December 20, 2023.
Hey everybody!
In keeping with tradition (15 years and counting!!), we've spent the last couple weeks revisiting each and every photography feature we published this year and pulling together our favourite images for our annual roundup: A Year in Photos. Featuring 75 photos by 75 photographers found in the last twelve months, whether taken this year or not. See the full selectionhere.\xa0
Also, just a heads up that there is less than one month left to submit to this year's Photo Awards! Learn more and submithere.\xa0

- Jeff

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A huge thank you to everyone in the Booooooom community! Whether you've joined our membership, submitted to our art and photo books (we released 2 more this year!), submitted to our awards, or just followed along with our daily features, your continued support means so much! If you've missed our previous A Year in Photos posts you can check them outhere.\xa0

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Calling all photographers! Less than a month left to submit to the Booooooom Photo Awards! We have 5 award categories to submit to: Portrait, Nature, Street, Colour, Shadows. We're going even bigger this year with the help of our friends atFormat. We'll be awarding each category winner a \\$1,000 USD cash prize, editorial and social coverage, and a feature in a printed publication. We also have 3 Format websites with lifetime subscriptions up for grabs.
Format is an online portfolio builder specializing in the needs of photographers, artists, and designers. Unlike other web builders, Format's portfolio and studio management tools are specifically designed to meet the needs of creative professionals. With nearly 100 professionally designed website templates and thousands of design variables, you can showcase your work your way, with no coding required. The Workflow studio management tools allow you to create branded client proofing galleries, transfer files and more. You can also sell your work commission free through the Format store feature. If you want to learn more about Format, check out their websitehere\xa0or start a\xa014-day free trial.
As usual, everyone is welcome to submit one image to these awards for free! Don't miss out! This is your chance to get your work seen! Learn more and submithere!

🔗Weekly Links\xa0🔗
  1. The most insane esport award goes to the Microsoft Excel World Championships. Theannouncers are next level! I love it. Watch around the 45min mark of thefull stream.
  2. Today I learned that only 28 books sold more than 500,000 copies in the US in 2022. Eight of them were by romance novelist Colleen Hoover. So many interesting links in Tom Whitwell's “52 things I learned in 2023”.
  3. Sunday Nobodyis back with another unique installation, this time hiding aMike Wazowski shrinein a library. The chair tangent is hilarious.
  4. The Pudding Cup— The Pudding's picks for the best visual and data-driven stories of 2023.
  5. Agroup of Twitter users solve an old mystery about a country song that plays in the X-Files- this reminds me of the once very active subreddit “white whale”, where people would help you uncover questions/mysteries that google just can't solve.
