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A (small) Photo Awards deadline extension

Booooooom sent this email to their subscribers on January 12, 2024.
Hey everybody!
Just a quick reminder that the Booooooom Photo Awards closes soon! The deadline was originally today, but we've decided to push it back one week to accommodate the overwhelming number of requests from photographers who are struggling to make it in time, butwe won't extend it past then! Learn more and submithere.

- Jeff

Image item
Calling all photographers! The Booooooom Photo Awards is closing VERY soon! We have 5 award categories to submit to: Portrait, Nature, Street, Colour, Shadows. We're going even bigger this year with the help of our friends atFormat. We'll be awarding each category winner a \\$1,000 USD cash prize, editorial and social coverage, and a feature in a printed publication. We also have 3 Format websites with lifetime subscriptions up for grabs.
Everyone is welcome to submit one image to these awards for free! Don't miss out! Learn more and submithere!
Image above the by one of last year's winners, the talentedOphélie Maurus.

🔗Weekly Links\xa0🔗
  1. 📸 For Polaroid and LEGO fans:LEGO Polaroid OneStep SX-70- would definitely replace the LEGO photos with real ones.
  2. 🕹️Flipart: A very satisfying little daily puzzle (not super difficult).Typeshiftis also great.
  3. 📖52 Thingsthat Kent Hendricks learned in 2023. This is different from the other list we shared recently. Lots of interesting bits here, such as: 44.4% of people have one joint on their pinkie toe and 55.3% have two.
  4. 📹@cardmagicbyjason: This guy is the best card mechanic I've ever seen. His whole shtick is being very cocky and people bet him he can't do specific things and he does them all. Here's another video whereDrake bet him \\$10k on crazy 8s.
  5. 📖 Rolling Stone's150 Greatest Science Fiction Movies of All Time. Some questionable picks but lots of good recommendations if you're looking for things to watch. (Arrival has to be top 3 for me)
  6. 📸 From the vault:“Empty Porn Sets” by Photographer Jo Broughton
  7. 📖 A recent study, consisting of 350,757 coin tosses, reveals thatcoin flips aren't actually 50/50.
