Secret Email Club

+ last chance to submit to the photo awards!

Booooooom sent this email to their subscribers on January 19, 2024.
Hey everyone!
OK this is it, your last chance to submit to theBooooooom Photo Awards! Deadline is tonight at 11:59pm PST! We will not extend it past this! Go go go!!!
On a separate note, I've got to figure out a way to allow people to leave comments or discuss a topic/question in the mailer some other way. Like I wanna ask about your fav shows/films of 2023 and what you're excited to watch in 2024. People do reply directly to these emails but I'd love for there to be a public conversation and not have to resort to social media. Maybe some of you have solutions… I'm just realising this is like when I'm looking for my glasses. I need the thing I'm looking for to find the thing I'm looking for!
Who else out there is upset that Better Call Saul went 0 for 53 at The Emmys? 53 nominations, that's actually insane. It is one of the most under-appreciated masterpieces of the past decade. See, these are the things we could be debating if there was a comment box right below.

- Jeff

Image item
Calling all photographers! This is your last chance to submit to this years Photo Awards! \xa0is closing VERY soon! We have 5 award categories to submit to: Portrait, Nature, Street, Colour, Shadows. We'll be awarding each category winner a \\$1,000 USD cash prize, editorial and social coverage, and a feature in a printed publication.\xa0
Shout out to Format for supporting the awards this year. To see great portfolios built on their platform, or to start a free trial, check out theirwebsite.
Deadline is tonight at 11:59pm PST!Don't miss out! Learn more and submithere!
Image above by 2022 finalistLacey Terrell

🎨\xa0Artist Spotlights\xa0🎨
Block 12th

📸\xa0Photo Spotlights\xa0📸
Block 17th

🔗Weekly Links\xa0🔗
  1. 🕹️ All you have to do isClick the Colour not the Word.
  2. 📖 24 Things We Think Will Happen in 2024via Vox. Everything from Trump winning to ChatGPT-5.
  3. 📖 Pinterest 2024 Trend Predictionsbased on billions of searches by 480M monthly users.
  4. 📖 24 Tech Predictions for 2024via The Pourquoi Pas
  5. 📖 Today I learned thathurricanes never cross the equator- "they'd have to stop spinning, reverse direction, and spin in the other direction to continue".
