Secret Email Club

Hey everybody! Just a heads up — Last few days to submit to our “Array” open call! Learn more and submit here!Also, it hasn't even been 2 weeks yet and we're getting flooded with submissions to this years Photo Awards! Super exciting to see

Booooooom sent this email to their subscribers on November 2, 2023.
Hey everybody! Just a heads up — Last few days to submit to our “Array” open call! Learn more and submithere!

Also, it hasn't even been 2 weeks yet and we're getting flooded with submissions to this yearsPhoto Awards! Super exciting to see!

- Jeff

Image item
For our regular art and photo spotlights, we've always asked to see a body of work—multiple images—either a series or a cohesive selection of images. This is still the case for our spotlights, but we've realised this approach can be limiting when people don't have enough work that's ready to share. So for this open call, we're allowing single-image submissions. Hopefully this makes it easier for you to submit!\xa0
We're accepting submissions for our open call “Array”, which will present a diverse mix of images, each one from a different artist or photographer. We will be sharing our favourite images in articles on our site and also on Instagram through posts and reels. And on top of that, we are going to make a free downloadable “Array” zine, which will be distributed through our mailer, putting your work in front of as many eyeballs as we can! If you think of a spotlight feature as a solo show, “Array” will be more like a group exhibition.\xa0

🎨\xa0Artist Spotlights\xa0🎨
Block 12th

📸\xa0Photo Spotlights\xa0📸
Block 17th

🔗Weekly Links\xa0🔗
  1. Brave enough to have AI analyze your chat msgs? It may tell you where you went wrong.
  2. Workflow tip: Deliberately end your work with a set of easier tasks.
  3. Bird Migration Explorer: Beautiful looking data here.
  4. Long Read: The “world's most popular painter” didn't like a review and sent his followers after the writer.
  5. A fun creative experiment: Blind contour drawings with strangers (via NYT)
