Secret Email Club

Booooooom sent this email to their subscribers on September 14, 2023.
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Wassup everybody, hope you're all having a good day!

I randomly watched the new Ninja Turtles animated film and didn't expect to like it as much as I did. Loved the art direction (and Ice Cube). Gonna seeTalk to Metonight!

I can't believe how quickly summer came and went, and now we're into busy time. Over the next few weeks there will be 3 new open calls, the first of which isofficially open now. Oh, and we made a bunch of new stickers, so there'll be a new sticker pack available shortly—keep your eyes peeled for some freebies!

For this open call, "Array", we're allowing single-image submissions! Normally, for our art and photo spotlights we prefer to see a series submitted (multiple images) but we realise people aren't always ready to share a whole body of work. So if you have some standalone pieces, this is your chance to share them! This is open to artists, illustrators and photographers! Hit the link below for all the info!

- Jeff
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Call to Submit: “Array” Photo & Art Features
Submit →
🎨\xa0Artist Spotlights\xa0\xa0🎨
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Illustrator Spotlight: Holly Stapleton
Artist Spotlight: Jim Chen-Hsiang Hu
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See More Art →
📸\xa0Photo Spotlights\xa0\xa0📸
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“Black Thumb” by Photographer William Mark Sommer
“The Voice That Does Not Ring” by Photographer Ben Dickey
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See More Photography →
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🔗Weekly Links\xa0🔗
  1. Rainbolt's ability to find actual locations based on old photos will never not be satisfying. If you've never seen his content\xa0before, say goodbye to the rest of your day.Check out his IGandhis Twitter. He's also recently put out a call for helpfor this particular imagethat he's been working on for months.
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  3. Been enjoying NYT's latest daily puzzle game,Connections.
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  5. A Wrinkle in Time was the trippiest book I read as a kid and the cover is still burnt into my mind. It's crazy that the illustrator was not credited anywhere. Well, the folks atEndless Thread podcast solved the mystery!
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  7. Pair-Up: A place for creatives to offer their time for each other!
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  9. URL Poetry Club: Poetry written using URLs.
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