Give Me a Break, Nikki Haley

I realize that not voting for a convicted criminal should not get you a cookie in an advanced democratic republic, but these are the parameters Haley has chosen. It's another attempt to middle the issue of the Republican frontrunner—demonstrate your performative independence, but throw the MAGA hordes a well-gnawed bone by setting their god-emperor free to roam the country stroking their g-spots and selling them overpriced, ugly-ass footwear. Reality, however, bellows at us that a) such a move will not gull the rubes into supporting a President Haley, let alone a candidate Haley, and b) that, once freed, El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago is better than even money to tour the country beating the everlasting aspirations out of a Haley Administration.

Esquire sent this email to their subscribers on February 20, 2024.