
Everyday Dose sent this email to their subscribers on January 21, 2024.

This is sooo rare, my friend.

We've never done a sale extension.

I'm actually quite against it.

Because our sale/offer deadlines are REAL.

They help us manage demand and guarantee same- or next-day fulfillment!

But today ...

We've decided to make an exception &extend the sale till midnight PST.

"Why?", I hear you ask.

Because me and my team are working extra hours over the weekend due to increasing demand.

And so I thought ...

Since we're packing stuff all day, WHY NOT EXTEND THE SALE AND PACK UP SOME MORE???

But it's only for people who checked out the deal and didn't end up buying on time (including you.)

Will you take us up on the deal?

Get 25% off + FREE Starter Kit + 5 FREE To-Go Sachets

Ends at midnight PST.

Jack Savage, founder of Everyday Dose, smiling
Muuuuush Love,
Founder of Everyday Dose





















You received this email from Everyday Dose, America’s fastest-growing mushroom coffee. If you'd like to stop receiving helpful health tips & awesome Dose deals,click here.