
Everyday Dose sent this email to their subscribers on January 17, 2024.


I've got something cool for you today.

(It's not a new flavor or discount, no!)

But since it’s “Stress Less Week” …

What if I told you a tiny "hello" could help you reduce stress?

I'm not making this up.

It’s mentioned inthisfascinating article I stumbled upon.

(okay, okay, my team wrote it lol)

It's all about stress and social connections – two things linked in ways you wouldn’t believe!

Want to read how?

Hit this link & reveal the magic of a simple “hello”

(Not your average snooze-fest science. It's cool stuff!)

Jack Savage, founder of Everyday Dose, smiling
Muuuuush Love,
Founder of Everyday Dose

PS. So, I dare you.

Try it out. Arm yourself with a cup of mushroom coffee.

Say "hello" to someone.

Then, hit reply & tell me all about it. Did you make a friend? Brighten up someone’s day?(Or … your day?)

I want to know!

PPS. Feeling bold?Share this email!Spread the "hello" magic.




















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