Hot, Humid, Cheating, Codes (Ramielust Cut One, Cut Two and Longsleeves)


OUTLIER sent this email to their subscribers on May 2, 2024.
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Hey Everyone,

We got a day of full on summer in April earlier this week, welcome to\xa0New York, things are getting hot. As much as we wish we were in the save-the-world business we’re a lot closer to the band aid business and we’ve got one of the best band aids for a burning earth out there,Ramielust, our cheat code for the hot and humid.\xa0

Ramieis an ancient fiber from southeast Asia, one that has been cultivated as long or longer than linen. Like linen it is a bast fiber with a bunch of properties that make it great for hot and humid weather. For one it can absorb a large amount of moisture without feeling wet to the touch, it pulls sweat and humidity away from the area around the body while still staying comfortable. It is also stiffer than cotton or wool, which doesn’t sound great but has a huge upside in that it’s much easier to create open fabric structures that allow air to flow freely through the fabric for a genuine cooling effect. It shares both those characteristics with linen but at the same time it wears significantly cooler. We’ve never been able to pinpoint exactly what the magic difference is, but it has shorter fiber staples than linen and has a noticeable cooler touch. Either way, when the weather turns muggy, this is what we reach for, there is nothing better.\xa0

Pair it up with someInjected Linen PantsorNew Way Five-Fivesfor a proper summer chill.\xa0

Abe, Tyler and the Outlier Team

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Photos by\xa0JP Rodriguez\xa0
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