Opt Out Of Mother’s Day Emails

White Elm sent this email to their subscribers on April 8, 2024.

Dear friend,

Laura here. With Mother's Day coming up, I wanted to reach out and ask if you would like to opt out of receiving any Mother’s Day-related emails. We understand that not everyone celebrates Mother's Day, and we respect that it can be a sensitive subject for some.

Opting out of Mother's Day emails will exclude you from emails talking about general motherhood topics and stressors, bags for moms, as well as promotional deals for Mother's Day.

Don't worry, even if you choose to skip our Mother's Day emails, you'll still be a part of our email list!

To skip Mother's Day emails, simply click on the link below:

Opt Out of Mother's Day Emails

Thank you for being part of the White Elm community!

Wishing you the best,


You received this email from White Elm. If you would like to unsubscribe,click here.