Hey, quick question

Everyday Dose sent this email to their subscribers on January 15, 2024.

1-click poll: do you struggle with stress and/or anxiety?

Yes, I have extreme stress/anxiety

Yes, I wish I had less stress/anxiety

Well… I have stress/anxiety, but it’s manageable

No, I have no stress/anxiety


Thanks for your participation!

Based on your response, we’ll make sure you receive relevant messages in the future.

Jack Savage, founder of Everyday Dose, smiling
Muuuuush Love,
Founder of Everyday Dose

PS.This email kickstarts “Stress Less Week”!

When surveyed,stress and anxietywas the 2nd biggest struggle of the Dose Fam.

(With ADHD and lack of focus/productivity being the biggest one.)

That’s why this week’s theme is all about how to understand and deal with stress/anxiety.

Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s email!





















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