Everyday Dose sent this email to their subscribers on January 5, 2024.

“Three…? Three of what, Jack???”

Let me tell you right now:

Three days left for our …

FREE “New Year New Me” challenge!

YES, on Monday we’re launching our first-ever health challenge.

And I’m pumped!

This challenge is designed to make 2024 your best year ever.


There’s a catch.\xa0

This challenge is available for free ONLY to those whoclick this good-looking link.

(or any other link in this email, we don’t discriminate between links here ;’) )\xa0

If you missed yesterday’s message, here’s a sneak peek of what’s waiting for you:\xa0

  • How to use an ordinary pen and paper to enjoy life more by 672,985%
    (there's a tiiiiny chance I pressed random numbers for this percentage)

  • My secret strategies for deep, restorative sleep

  • Transform your body into an energy-efficient machine?

Obligatory break to remind you to sign up for the challenge ;-P

  • Beat stress with simple, scientifically-backed breathing techniques
    (hint: deep breathing isn't enough)

  • How to stay charged up without the midday crash

  • Get MORE done in LESS TIME – without the burnout
    (I wish *I* knew this earlier)

  • Proven methods to set and even "HULK SMASH" your goals

But waaaiiiit.

There’s more

(Sheesh, I sound like an infomercial from the 80’s #yuck)\xa0

If you’re one of the smart mushroom coffee cookies who join today …

You get to enjoy some SWEET, exclusive perks.

(I can’t tell you just yet what those perks are. You’ll find out once you join.)

“Jack, you’re such a big tease! OK, I’ll join your free ‘New Year New Me’ challenge right now”

Jack Savage, founder of Everyday Dose, smiling
Muuuuush Love,
Founder of Everyday Dose




















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