Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on February 15, 2024.

Fam! I hope this entry finds you well and happy. If you are not having an awesome day right now, I am going to ask you to do me a favor.\xa0

  1. Read numbers 1 - 5 here.

  2. Close your computer or put your phone down.

  3. Stand up if you are not already standing, take a big stretch, arms over your head.

  4. Close your eyes and take a long slow deep breath in for 4-5 seconds, through your nose. Hold that breath at the top for 5 seconds and then smile, and let that breath out of your nose as slow as you can until every last once of air is out of your lungs.. Repeat 3- 4 times.. MAKE SURE YOU SMILE on the out breath.

  5. Realize that whatever is making you bummed out is not permanent and will pass.

I am on a plane flying home from a 36 hour trip to Utah to meet with our manufactures and formula team. The goal of this trip was simply to BE BETTER. Jonathan and I thought it was a good time to taste all of the MEAL ONE flavors with our formula team and iterate. We tasked them to try and elevate MEAL ONE to make it EVEN BETTER than it currently is. They had asked for some direction of course, so I gave them my personal notes, as well as feedback we’ve gotten from the community. Holy smokes, we ate a lot of MEAL ONE yesterday! That said, both JY and I walked out of there 6 hours later feeling like we had truly enhanced the flavor profiles, as well as the texture, and made some adjustments that I think you guys are going to LOVE!\xa0

Why am I sharing this? Well, for one, I want to get you excited about MEAL ONE V3 (Yes, this will be the third full version of the product). Also, I wanted to talk about BETTER. The word BETTER can be viewed in many ways… Some may say, if all I think about is being better, I may not be able to truly appreciate how far I’ve already come, and never feel accomplished. Others may say, I am already the best - if that is you…God bless! BETTER is something we have talked about at KOH from day one, for us BETTER is simply not falling backwards, walking into each day with an intention to progress and DO WHAT WE SAY WE ARE GOING TO DO… Take your chance, take the shot, doesn’t matter where you happen to be in life, being better daily is something we can all do by just sticking with it! Better is not about the win necessarily, but the support on the way to the finish line… Better plays a major role in my life, as long as I am moving forward daily, I feel better.. Its just that simple.. That doesn’t mean there aren’t days when I fall short, heck no, but better is our north star for sure. We don't get better without the help of our community, which is why we'd love it if you could complete thisSURVEY, so that we can get to know you better and continue to deliver the best products for you.

I just finished reading “The Art of Power”. At the end of the book, the author concludes with a writing from Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia. The writing was called "Work and Pleasure." I was so incredibly inspired! He shares fearlessly and totally against the grain. He said that the mission for Patagonia was to make the very best climbing clothes. A pretty lofty goal. He didn’t want to be among the best, he wanted to be the absolute best. Then he went on to describe the philosophy he put in place to get there… He took a very different approach than most CEO’s with a goal like that, but it was all about creating an environment where the team could be better, even if just a little bit everyday… He’s been at the helm of that company for decades, and I believe he has accomplished his lofty goals, which makes the same possible for all of us.\xa0

Everyday we get a shot, all of us, take your chance today.

Much love for ya,

P.S. If you kept scrolling to finish the email first, please don't forget to complete thisSURVEY.

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