Service in its simplest form.

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on January 18, 2024.

Happy Thursday squad, hope everyone's week is going well.\xa0

I want to share a story with you, something that happened earlier this week when I was dropping off my car rental in Miami. I pulled up to the drop off spot, the owner of the Turo vehicle said he would give me a ride to the airport to drop me off. When I got there I hopped out of the car, shook his hand and said thanks for giving me a ride to the terminal. That was it. I smiled, walked to the passenger side of the vehicle, hopped into the car. Once we got going, I asked him how his day was going and he looked at me with a somber face. I asked him what was up, he shared. He told me that his father had recently passed away and a few weeks ago he had gone back to the country he is originally from to handle the funeral and all other arrangements that need to be dealt with when a parent passes away. I told him I was sorry for his loss.\xa0

He then told me that when he got back a few weeks ago, he found out his fiancé was cheating on him. I listened to him intently. He told me that he was sorry for dumping this on me, but felt like he needed to speak about it and that he can’t speak to his friends and family because he is uncomfortable to do so… That he was grateful I was just down to listen. I shared some of my experience with him, having lost a parent, as well as my thoughts on intimate partnership and how I believe he has options; that ending the relationship isn’t necessarily the only option. A perspective he hadn't considered. I won’t go too deep into the conversation, but I do want to share how this experience made me think about how important it is to be mindful of the energy we walk around with. I was inherently able to make myself available for a stranger because I walk around with energy that is inclusive and comforting. My energy displays that I am a service oriented person.\xa0

How does this pertain to you? Well, as you guys know, I like to share parts of my life that have helped me be a better human, a more optimized, happy and fulfilled human. I have learned over time that true fulfillment comes through being of service, and if being of service is not something that is currently a part of your life, now would be the time to change that. Not a week from now or a few months from now, like right now. I go out of my way to connect with as many people as I can. Just ask my business partner Jonathan, when we go out to events together I can’t get more than 10 steps without stopping to chat it up with people I know or strangers. The simplest way to begin that journey is by being mindful of the energy you walk around with. Yes, some people are naturally more comfortable connecting with people, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be. Everyone has the ability to turn up the volume and be more intentional with connecting. It can be as simple as making a commitment to smile more, to say high and introduce yourself to the person you have seen at the gym for years but have never spoken to. Shit, I did that today at the gym. Saw a guy that I have seen many times training at the gym I go to when in NYC and decided to walk over and introduce myself. We had a great conversation and he said that he’s wanted to say what up to me as well, but for some reason never did. Now we are friends, we will say what's up every time I see him from this day forward. Service in its simplest form. You can apply this at work, on the train, wherever, because connecting with others just makes you a better person.

This is a habit that enhances your life, maybe you can be there for someone, a complete stranger, that just feels comfortable enough to talk to you about a hardship. Start trying it. Smile at others on your walk, high five another runner on your run, wave to a car passing you by on your drive to work… you get it. Reply to this email if you have any thoughts or similar experiences here, I want to connect with you guys more in the new year, I answer all replies.\xa0

Love ya,

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