August updates & resources from PickFu

E-commerce optimization playbook from Ariyh & more!

PickFu sent this email to their subscribers on August 17, 2023.
\t\t\tE-commerce optimization playbook from Ariyh & more! \t\t\t
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PickFu News August 2023

Welcome to the August edition of the PickFu newsletter! 👋 As summer winds down, we’re getting excited about attending two big events in September:

📅 Co-Create: September 7-8 in Las Vegas, NV
📅Amazon Accelerate:September 13-14 in Seattle, WA

We’re excited to learn from and connect with the Alibaba and Amazon seller communities.Are you attending?Let us know – we’d love to meet up!

Not going to either conference? Our co-founder Justin Chen is also speaking at theBrand Mastery Summitnext week, a 3-day virtual event for Amazon and e-commerce sellers.

He’ll join a lineup of industry experts sharing tips for building your e-commerce brand to drive sales. If you’re interested, you can
register for only \\$17by Monday, August 21.

Ariyh's science-based playbook of e-commerce optimization
🧪 The science-based playbook of e-commerce optimization
We’re all about market research here at PickFu. But most people don’t have the time to sit down and analyze long, in-depth articles on the latest business and marketing findings.

That’s why we’re sharing Ariyh’s newScience-based Playbook of E-commerce Optimization.Ariyh distilled1200+ pagesof e-commerce research papers into 74 specific recommendations.

From improving your product images and videos to driving customer loyalty and referrals, this playbook gives you practical tips for optimizing your e-commerce business, with no fluff.

We worked with Ariyh to give PickFu subscribers10% off the playbookif you buy before August 24. Hope this is helpful!

Photo of Jen Bolton, VP of Player Insights at Mojiworks
✨ How a VP of Player Insights uses PickFu to create games players love
For Jen Bolton, VP of Player Insights at Mojiworks, understanding what players want is critical for developing great games. That’s why her team has used PickFu to test game concepts, character designs, logos, and more for the past five years.

Check out our conversation with Jento get a glimpse into her world: what a typical workday looks like, surprising finds from customer research, and her top tips for running effective polls.

Example of a Screen Recording poll in PickFu
🎥 In case you missed it: Screen Recording polls are here!
Ever wish you had more insight into your audience's thought processes? 💭

That’s why we created Screen Recording polls.

Simply ask your target audience a question, and respondents will capture their screen and voice for fully transparent answers. Get unfiltered feedback, dig deeper into your campaigns, and improve your website, product listings, and more.

Learn more, check out examples, and start your own Screen Recording poll! 👇

Keep your eyes on your inbox for updates to our platform that we'll be announcing soon. And as always,keep sending us your feedback. It makes us better.

Happy polling,
The PickFu team
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