A big old S%@T eating grin…

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on January 11, 2024.

Happy Thursday KOH family. I hope everyone's 2024 is off to the right start. First things first, I want you to know how much I enjoy connecting with the community in this format. I write these entries on Mondays and Tuesday mornings. It is a very cathartic way to kick off my week, so thank you for reading and especially for responding! I love hearing back from you on these entries. I read all of them and respond back, it is truly special, so thank you...

This week I wanted to remind you all of a habit that I have been doing for a good handful of years. It is a very simple habit, an incredibly effective habit and the first thing I do every morning. I propose all of you reading this to try it for at least 10 days. It may not be for everyone, but give it a shot, as it could actually have a massive impact on your life. Here it goes: the first thing I do every morning is peel back my sleep mask, open my eyes, look up at the ceiling fan over my bed and smile from ear to ear. A big old S%@T eating grin showing my pearly whites. As I hold this ridiculous smile I IMMEDIATELY begin a mental gratitude list. I am grateful for the love to and from my family, my health, our home, my discipline, KOH, the pups, the snow, etc… I just go down a list of things I have that I am grateful for. It takes about 30 seconds or so, and by the time 30 seconds are up, I have just destroyed any potential anxiety that thought it had a hold on my morning… smashed it with gratitude and optimism. I actually feel a warm sense of positivity most mornings…. It is a simple habit, but not easy… Ear to ear smiling first thing in the morning is truly tough, but I promise its worth a try.\xa0

I heard something this morning that truly resonated with me. “Emotions never killed anyone” was something Andrew Huberman said in the latest episode of his podcast with David Goggins. My interpretation of what I think Huberman was alluding to was that we typically do not have control over our first thoughts, feelings or emotions that come up in many situations. However we do have control over the actions we take based on those first thoughts/feelings/emotions. That life is going to be hard, it will always be hard, especially if you are gunning for greatness, and if you can find a way to control the inner dialogue, not just the narrative, but the actual dialogue, you can get through anything… When the voice of ego steps up and says things like, “why are you doing this” or\xa0 “You don’t need to do this, you’ve already done this and that” or even better “You have no chance in accomplishing this don’t even try, it's not worth it” or “You don’t have to get this done today, start tomorrow” These voices of doubt have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I am here to say that you don’t have to listen to them, you can, but you definitely don’t have to, and doing just that is essentially how I’ve navigated through the toughest times. I literally talk back to that loser voice and let him know that I am in control, Those first thoughts, feelings and emotions will never kill me, EVER. If you identify with any of this, just know that you are not alone, nowhere close to alone, and there is a way to break the damn chain. If you haven’t already, now would be a great time to develop that GET BACK UP voice, the voice that wants you to WIN… Today is the day.\xa0

Here is one other thing I have committed to over the last few months, SIT AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE DURING THE DAY. I grabbed myself astanding desk, you can buy them now for a lot less money than they used to be! It is always in the standing position in my office, I rarely sit. I have felt a massive shift in my back discomfort when I gave up sitting at the desk… Just a little habit that I have incorporated and wanted to share with you.\xa0

Lastly, We are heading down to Miami forWODAPALOOZA\xa0and will be setting up MEAL ONE overnight oat counters at a bunch of events while we are down there.\xa0

  • We will be atCrossFit WynwoodonFriday morning at 9:45with Christian Harris for his workout.\xa0

  • We will be setting up with\xa0Pliabilityon both Saturday and Sunday morning at the beach front stage in the event center.\xa0

  • I will be running around like a madman giving away as much MEAL ONE as I can throughout the weekend, hope to see you there\xa0\xa0

Until next week fam, CRUSH IT

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