A couple of motto’s that I live by…

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on January 5, 2024.

Family, HAPPY NEW YEAR and welcome to the first day of the rest of your F**king life…\xa0

I want to establish something with the community as we kick off 2024 and my love of writing these emails to ya. I share from my heart, I share from my experience, I share what has worked for me over the years and what I think could bring value into your life as well. I hope these entries have been enjoyable and if they have, it would be awesome if you passed them along to anyone who you think may also get value from them…

The first day of the rest of your life… How great is that!! But what does it really mean? To me, it means that today is day one, hell everyday is day one! The truth is that we get a shot, every single day, to start from scratch. That doesn't mean that what happened yesterday won’t affect what happens today, but what happened yesterday DOES NOT HAVE TO dictate what happens today…. and that may mean different things to different people. For some that may mean to push harder, even just a little bit.. Is that you?\xa0 For others, that may mean to pump the brakes, that you’ve been going too hard and need to rebalance your PRIORITY in life… Wherever you are, just know that yesterday is history and tomorrow is not guaranteed and that today it is the only opportunity you get to make anything HAPPEN.\xa0

A couple of motto’s I have done my best to live by for years: First and foremost -“ONE DAY AT A TIME”. I am sure you have all heard this one before, some of you may know the slogan is rooted in the world of recovery. The most efficient way to stay sober is to do it day by day, sometimes hour by hour or minute by minute. The weight of making an extremely hard decision, today, for the rest of your life is incredibly overwhelming, debilitating and nearly impossible to grasp. This slogan helps reframe the mountainous landscape of doing hard things. This can and should be applied to anything. ONE AT A TIME has been so impactful in my life, essentially saved, AND SAVES my life daily. OAAT\xa0 has also bled into every other area, outside of just my sobriety. Tasks, decisions, habits, rituals all take place on a daily basis. When you live life day by day, the weight of the work becomes far more manageable, especially if you develop a consistent structure and boundaries to live within. How you approach each day is critical when it comes to happiness and success, and “ONE DAY AT A TIME” is a great way to walk into the new year!\xa0

The other motto I live by and love is “Discipline Equals Freedom”. As a matter of fact, I have “One at a time” tattooed on my right wrist, and “Discipline Equals Freedom” tattooed on my left hand. I strongly believe the precursor for greatness is discipline. Most all humans that have great feats under their belt will tell you how discipline was at the core of their success. Being a great father requires immense discipline, being a great husband or partner, the same. Discipline also plays a major role in fitness, nutrition, personal development and business. The beauty of discipline is that it ultimately creates freedom… It may sound controversial, but if you really think about it, when you do what you say you are going to do, there is a feeling of accomplishment, a boost in confidence, almost a weightless feeling that leads to freedom, and what does freedom mean? Being in control.\xa0

So, I urge you to think about these two slogan/motto’s - They have been integral in my life, leading to more happiness, success in various ways, and have given me the confidence to truly believe I am capable of anything I put my mind to.\xa0

With much love,

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