Let’s kick in some doors.

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on December 30, 2023.

This is it….. this week determines A LOT! Are you going to lightly knock on the door of 2024 and hope someone hears to let you in, or are you going to kick the door off the F’in hinges to get after what's yours entering 2024? I think I am writing to a bunch of humans who kick in doors… But just want to remind you that you have a choice here; so if you are currently just knocking, get on your steel toe boots, its time to finish strong. Seriously, this is your wake up call. DO NOT let this lull between Christmas and New Years slow down your drive to succeed. As a matter of fact, I would suggest turning up the volume. And also don't forget to enjoy yourself!

I hope everyone had an absolutely amazing Christmas. Mine was extra special. We had a super cozy Danish Christmas eve dinner with just our immediate fam. Donna is from Denmark, so if we don’t go to the motherland for the holidays, we do a traditional Danish dinner stateside on the 24th. Then we were invited to our friends place for a Christmas day, Prime Rib banger, which was amazing. Donna made the most incredible Yule Log cake, and like we typically do, made it a family affair. All of us made marzipan mushrooms and Gnomes that we put on the log. The dessert was a huge hit, I posted on my Instagram if you are inclined tocheck it out.\xa0

A few things I wanted to share with ya. The plan of focus for January with KOH, we are putting together a HABITS plan for all of you guys to have access to over the course of the month. Each week will have a focus, I don’t want to spill the beans too much, but there will be some awesome content that we’ll be sending each week, pure value for you guys to take 2024 by the reigns andcontrol the controllable. Stay tuned for more there. Also, we recently changed our packaging for MEAL ONE pouches, and have started using a new machine that seals the pouches a little differently. You may have noticed already if you recently received an order. We loved the old style as well, but this style works much better for our manufacturing. If you have any questions or feedback, just holler here.\xa0

One other thing I’d like highlight as we close out the year is theKoH Habit Stacking Journal/Planner- If you don’t have one of these, I would HIGHLY recommend checking them out, especially as we kick in the door for the new year… I designed it myself. Full transparency, I stopped using it for about 3 months. When we got our puppy I had to let a few of my morning habits go until the pup would let me get up early without having to babysit. Well, three months in and he now is trained enough to stay in his bed as I sneak out at 5am and can get back to my ideal morning routine.. meaning the HABIT STACKER is back in…. It is honestly like night and day how organized I feel when writing out my full schedule, my to-do’s and major priorities… Having a journal that is also a daily planner is a massive asset, I am so happy I got back to it.\xa0

Okay, last thing for real… I always have a few goals set up for the new year, I’m not a resolution guy, but I do like having a physical, mental, family and financial goal for the year ahead. I am kicking off this year with the 75 HARD program, I was inspired to do this by Jason MCarthy founder ofGORUCKandMichael Easter, friend and incredible Author. This will be an awesome way to test my mental toughness, which is always exciting for me. I will also be working towards the CrossFit Open in February (though not going to push too hard here as my back is still a bit unstable) and my first HYROX on June 1st. I’ve also committed to 30 minutes of mobility and or stretching post training, no matter what. Probably the most important of the bunch. Those four things will cover my mental and physical goals. My family goal for this year is to teach my kids how to ski over the winter months so that we can begin taking ski vacations together. Date night twice a month with my wife, no excuses. And last, my financial goal….This year, I am investing in myself through hiring a few coaches to help me shake the tree a bit and ideally hit a new annual income for 2025… You see that, this year is the set up year, next year is when i wiil perform on what I’ve learned this year… Patience is the key in anything great..\xa0

Love you guys, I am wishing you all the absolute best new year! I will get back to the breathwork story after the new year. In the meantime,let's kick in some doors.


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