This experience was groundbreaking

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on December 21, 2023.

Two weeks left in 2023, and in this week’s brain dump, I want to share a healing experience that blew my mind, truly a standout for me in 2023. This may not be for everyone, however I will share my experience, you do what you want with it. If you have any groundbreaking experiences you’d like to share, please reply to this email so that I can also see whats working for you\xa0\xa0

I need to preface this by making clear, I am not a woo woo kind of person, I am an open minded human that is down to try anything, but that the experiences I am about to share with y’all actually happened to me. I also must suggest not trying the below without a person who has experience in this style of breathwork to be with you….\xa0 Here goes: Holy Smokes - I found Breathwork…. Let me repeat that, I really really found breathwork.\xa0 Not the breathwork that we have all been hearing about for the last few years, not box breathing, Wim Hoff or the double inhale and long exhale. I found Holotropic breathwork and it is more powerful than anything I have ever done outside of psychedelics when I was a kid. My experience started down in Georgia when I attended theRunning Man festivalin October. As soon as we settled in I was asked if I wanted to join a breathwork session, I didn’t even blink and said for sure. If you have been following my content over the years, you know that I use breathwork regularly, however the breathwork I use is typically short 2-5 minute reset sessions. I also have done a fair bit of Wim Hoff, but haven’t been regular with it. Anyhows, I met the crew at the breathwork tent, met Mike Gazzo, the facilitator of the breathwork and simply followed directions….. I was not made aware of the potential effects this style of breathwork could have, I didn’t really ask too many questions, just listened and went for it… The guidance was simple. Lie down on your back, close your eyes, hands and arms next to your body, palms face up. All mouth breathing and continuous, breathe into your stomach, then into your chest and then out through your mouth, repeat… for 25 minutes. The music began and thus my journey. After about 5 - 7 minutes I began feeling a pulsating sensation throughout my body, then my hands began to feel like they were seizing up, then my mouth… I started to get a little nervous, but kept going.. Then I felt like i was losing feeling in the top of my head and my torso, like a numbing feeling and this is when I started to get scared… I sat up and Mike came over to me, put his hands on me and assured me that I was okay, that what I was feeling was energy that the breath was unearthing, that I should think about the people I loved most and breathe deeper. I trusted him, even though I was experiencing a host of physical\xa0 sensations I had never felt before, I trusted that if he thought something was wrong, he wouldn't have told me to continue. This is when I decided to go deep, to completely let go of all fear and place my wife and kids in the forefront of my mind… This is when I had a breakthrough that opened a door in my soul. Out of nowhere I felt a blanket of the thickest, warmest, most real love encompassing my whole being. I felt the love I have for my family and the love they have for me all at the same time, like I was able to grab it out of the air, like I was lying in a puddle of it, it was almost as if I really didn’t know what love was until this experience. As you can imagine, I had an emotional release that was unbelievable. I began to sob tears of joy, these tears lasted long after the breathwork session was over, I was lying on the floor for a good 20-30 minutes most after everyone had left, aside from Mike Gazzo. He was there to help me get my bearings, he shared that I had an intense experience, that my body was buzzing (literally) with energy, and that he sees that from time to time. He made it clear\xa0 that breathwork is probably a great healing modality for me and that I should come back the next morning to do another session.\xa0

I am going to stop here and continue the story over the next few weeks brain dumps, because following morning and now weekly sessions have been as powerful as the first one. I don’t work with Mike, nor have any dog in the fight here, just want to share with you guys as the work has been more effective on me than any therapy or self dev work I’ve done to date. If you want to learn more about this breathwork or connect with Mike Gazzohit this linkto learn more.


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